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Sunday, May 19, 2013

مَنْ صَبَرَ ظَفِرَ

‘Sometimes I win..

and Sometimes I lost..

but not the two word I worry..

but how I handle both of the condition it self..

am I good enough??..

Allah Hu Akbar…

Ya Qalbun Salim (Good Heart) , Am I Able to make sure you with me always…

Ya Qalbun Mayyit (Dead Heart) wa Qalbun Maridh (Sick Heart), Am I able to kick you off from my heart??

Am I good enough…

Allahu Akbar..

Good or not?

this is a life that I need to face..

like Arabic say

مَنْ صَبَرَ ظَفِرَ


MuTiArA HiKMaH..

BiLa 2 dIrI MeNcinTai iLaHi
BeRgAbUnGLAh jiwA BeRsAtULAh hAti.
2 jiwA SaTu cinTa
2 jAsAd sAtU MaTlAmAt
bErPiSaHnYa tDk gELisAh
biLA RinDu kErNa yG SaTu
BeRtEmUnYa pAsTi tAk jEmU
UkHUWaH ItU InDaH BiLa bErTeMu&BeRpisAh kErAnA ALLAH


KiNdNeSs iS A LaNgUaGe tHe dUmB CaN SpEAk AnD ThE DeAf cAn hEaR AnD UnDeRstaNd......... No oNe's painT ThEiR DrEaMS On mE........ sOmEWhErE sOmEoNe'S iS DrEaMiNg....... tHeRe's a lYiNg iN YoUr siLeNcE...... tHe bEgInNiNg iS ThE EnD iS ThE BeGiNniNg..... HoW CoMe, hOw lOnG?...... tElLiNg ridDLeS In tHe dArK...... SpeEdInG Up tO SlOw dOwN..... rEaChInG fOr a hAnD ThAt cAn uNdErStAnD, sOmEoNe WhO FeELs ThE SaMe....... LoVeS&LiVeS - SoMEoNe oWeZ GeT HuRt iN It...

MuTiArA HiKmAh...

DuNiA TEmPaT KiTa mEnYeMaI
AkHiRaT NaNtI TeMpAt kItA MenUai
beRiBaDaHLAh bagAi KiTa aKaN MaTi eSoK HaRi.
kEraNa iTuLaH MaTLAmAt kItA DiJaDiKaN.
dariNYA kIta dAtAnG kepadaNYA kItA PaStI PuLaNg
NaMuN BeKeRjAlAh sEoLaH-OlAh kItA KaN HiDuP SeRiBu tAhUn lAgI
DeMi kEcEmErLaNgAn dIrI DaN PeWaRiS GeNeRaSi naNtI
tAbUrLaH BaKtI SebaNyAk-bAnYaKNyA KpD InSaN
kErAnA GaNjArAn kEbAiKaN PeNuH KeMaNiSaN